A Clearinghouse for Information about Blood Clots (DVT/)PE) and Clotting Disorders (thrombophilia) provided as a public service by the University of North Carolina Blood Research Center


Clot Connect is a public service of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Blood Research Center connecting patients and health care professionals to reliable, clinically relevant resources on venous thromboembolism (DVT/PE), thrombophilia (clotting disorders), and anticoagulation.

Our Mission

The mission of Clot Connect is to increase knowledge of thrombosis, thrombophilia and anticoagulation by providing connection to education and support resources for patients and health care professionals. 

A key role of Clot Connect is to serve as the go-to clearinghouse for reliable, clinically relevant thrombosis and anticoagulation information. 

Our History

Clot Connect emerged in September 2010 from the observation by a doctor and patient, Dr. Stephan Moll and Beth Waldron, that blood clot survivors and their clinicians needed easier access to the latest treatment options and scientific research related to the diagnosis, care and management of patients with blood clots and clotting disorders.

 Clot Connect initiatives are targeted at:

  • Persons who have experienced a blood clot
  • Persons at high risk for developing a blood clot
  • Healthcare professionals who treat patient with or at risk for blood clots


Clot Connect‘s medical direction is provided by Stephan Moll, MD;  Professor in the Department of Medicine and Division of Hematology-Oncology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Beth Waldron, MA is Clot Connect’s patient adviser and project consultant.